"Innovation at its finest"

Hughes Press is a multi-platfourm, global network for news and entertainment that generates 112 views a week.

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What we bring to consumers

A multitude of Business Platforms


The Mark Hughes Corporation owns Hughes Press, a news and social news media outlet.  Hughes Press has 394 active users and 65% of them are new. Hughes Press currently has 1,342 views. On average Hughes Press gets about 112 views a week. Hughes Press brings breaking news stories and custom social post, video content, and social discovery.   

Social Network

Users now have the option to create their own accounts and socialize with other users. You are able to create groups, forums, message other users, and create your own content while reading Hughes Press.  

Hughes Press Network

Hughes Press Network is a online live feed tv network. Our shows include Hughes Press Live (main show that talks about news and includes interviews),


Hughes Press has utilized technology to grow our audience, we have introduced a social network platform that not only allows users to read our content but also allows them to communicate with other users via message, forums, and create their own groups to their interests. Hughes Press has many features coming to the future including an Online Tv Network that will have multiple shows.


While Hughes Press is still developing, seeing our range of assets Investing in our Company is the best decision you can make. Traditional Investing can be boring, and with our wide variety of products let's investors choose which area they are most interested in.  


While reading what Hughes Press brings to consumers take a look in our investment plans


$20 /Share
$15 for Advertising
Custom Social Post, or Business ads
Choose Investment Plan


$10 for commerical
Sponsored ad during shows
Choose Investment Plan


$20 app or website
Web design, Social Network
Choose Investment Plan
Want to know more about Investing of Advertising? Please contact us.

What People Say About Us

“The Mark Hughes Corporation treated My Company and I like we were Family ”

“When I invested it was the best decision I've ever made. I got to invest in my area of interest. ”

Christopher Douglas
Investor, Consumer

“The Mark Hughes Corporation Helped me get my clothing line company started. They even built me a website and included advertising to put me on the map ”

Brandon Hughes
CEO of Swag Shope